Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thursday 5th February: Day One Hundred and Fifty Two in Rwanda (I think)

Please note that VSO is in no way connected with or responsible for the content, comments and observations in this blog: these are solely my own in a personal capacity.

That Day Whatever thing is getting a bit creepy so I think I'll forego it. It's not like I'm doing a day-by-day any more anyway.


If you have been following my accounts of the Rwandan government's education reforms (Alfred: And let's face it, who hasn't?) I had some interesting conversations today about how they are going. The government extended basic primary education from six to nine years and set up special new schools to cater for these new levels. And what has happened? Well, they are still advertising for teachers and - especially - for Principals for these new schools (the ads for Principals went up yesterday). Meanwhile, the schools opened a week ago: the students turn up each day, sit in their classes hoping a teacher may turn up and eventually slink off home hoping tomorrow may turn out better. Depressing, eh?


It's so nice to be busy again! Mind you, today was just a little TOO busy for my liking. The problem with making yourself out to be good at something is that people who are useless at it presume you are actually capable of actual miracles. Today, Francois asked me to update the results data for 65 primary schools and analyse the results for printing off for the school principals who were filing into the room as we spoke. More fool me for doing it, I suppose, but, boy was I knackered by the end. I had forgotten how good that feels, mind you!! (Alfred: Is that the saddest comment yet? It is certainly in the running).

Kerosene stove working means more time for cooking! Savoury rice today, crepe suzette tomorrow!

Back at home my students are sitting their mocks (Alfred: though some of them seem to be spending a suspicious amount of time on Facebook!!!) - best of luck guys, there with you in spirit!

And what else? I'm heading off to somewhere in the east for the weekend (I am in Marion's hands - there's a scary thought!!) .


The Lunatics Have Taken Over the Asylum (by Collide or Fun Boy Three - take your pick)

Ah, who needs lyrics (Alfred: the lyrics are actually pretty crap - it's the title and the chorus that says it all).

Happy Birthday Jane and congratulations on your engagement Susan. Greetings a;so to all those people who constantly send me messages, parcels and so on (plus my star letter writer from Dalkey!!) I know I am absolutely useless at putting pen to paper so please accept this electronic acknowledgement of your kind efforts!!

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