Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Il est tombé éperdument amoureux!!!!

Please note that VSO is in no way connected with or responsible for the content, comments and observations in this blog: these are solely my own in a personal capacity.

Alfred: Well, well, well. One hint from Ruairí on his Facebook site and suddenly I am getting queries from as far away as Papua New Guinea (Hi Don!) as to what is going on, seeing as he isn’t going to spill the beans. Well, you all know me as a crusty, hard-hearted, unsentimental type whose main function in life is to try and keep Ruairí’s feet on the ground and head out of the clouds (so he doesn’t fall into any more holes, real or metaphorical) but this time even my curmudgeonly heart is moved. Yes, the guy is definitely, comprehensively, completely smitten. As I sit here on my chair in the bedroom (where I have been for almost 400 days – even my soft furry bottom is getting pretty sore at this stage) I can see him sending silly texts at all hours, writing poems (yes, I kid you not – no love-lorn teenager has agonized more over what rhymes with ‘amour’ than this fifty-year-old one) and generally carrying on in a style that, if it were written about in a work of fiction, would be condemned as hopelessly stereotyped. And all in French too!

I could witter on for ages about Cupid’s arrows, the sweet dew of love falling through the tough outer skin and softening the careworn fifty-year-old heart, sun and stars, sunlight and roses, swans with intertwined necks drifting silently down the peaceful river under the moonlight (I can hear Don shouting all the way from Papua New Guinea in his mellifluous Dublin accent: ‘For Jaysus sake get on with it and tell us who she is!!!!’) …. Well, I won’t. So there. It’s going to leak out eventually so you will just have to wait! Il est tombé éperdument amoureux de quelqu’un, or should that be ‘quelqu’une’? – strange bloody language (woops – hope M. isn’t reading this, not sure she understands the fact of my separate existence; mind you, who does, least of all me).

Just be happy for him – he is certainly very happy for himself!!!

1 comment:

Jane Dawson-Howe said...

definitely quelqu'une, knowing you!
big hug to alfred for keeping all 700 or so of your friends in the loop!!