Sunday, January 24, 2010

Amani Greetings and Farewells

Welcome Melissa, Stephen, Rana, Hussain, Peter, Cathy, Christine, Annemiek, Antonia, Jeremy, Colette, Shala, Steve, Kristenne, Nic, Vanessa, Yolanda, Evelyn and Ken!!!

It is Sunday morning January and I am about to pack up my stuff and head into Kigali Centre for a meeting before getting the bus down to Butare and Gisagara. It has been quite a month and apologies to all for the failure to update but I have had other things to occupy me. Martine went home Friday 22nd and has arrived back in Edinburgh safe and sound and since Saturday 16th I have been acting as live-in adviser to the new intake of VSO Rwanda volunteers, nineteen of them in total, here in the Amani Guesthouse. That has been an extremely enjoyable but tiring experience so I am looking forward to heading home and to an established routine for a while!! Also, the landlord was having the entire house painted while Sarah and I were away and we are looking forward (with a mixture of anticipation and anxiety) to seeing what has happened in our absence.

So there is much to catch up on - the house refurbishment, the REAP inspections, the trip to Gisenyi, Kigali, the new volunteers and much, much more. But I have to be in town in less than an hour and I have at least 50% more stuff than my rucksack will hold so I am off to unload stuff on the new Butare volunteers as I can pick it up from them easily later in the week.

Talk again soon!!

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