Sunday, April 18, 2010

In the meanwhile ....

Alfred: Well, after his last entry, Ruairí seems to be finding it difficult to restart his more usual, light-hearted and what he considers to be humourous entries (isn’t there a proper English equivalent for ‘quotidienne’?). So I guess it’s up to me to get the ball rolling again with a more general update. Since Genocide Memorial Day he has been at work, then down to Bujumbura for the weekend (that definitely needs an entry all to itself, if only to describe the night-club and the astonishing, unbelievable fact that Ruairí actually wore togs and got into a swimming pool – amazing what can happen when two stunningly beautiful girls in bikinis are in there calling you, eh?), then up to Kigali to do In-Country Training for the new volunteers. Meanwhile we have volunteers stuck abroad waiting to return and family visiting here who can’t get home because some Icelandic volcano farted and apparently planes have a very sensitive sense of smell. Makes you wonder what the Icelanders will do next to mess us around!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

True. Quotidienne means daily but it also has a "habitual" meaning.