Monday, January 26, 2009

Han and Mans' Farewell bash

Please note that VSO is in no way connected with or responsible for the content, comments and observations in this blog: these are solely my own in a personal capacity.

As I said before, saying goodbye to friends (especially when you haven't known them for long enough!) is hard, but we had a great night out in Sole Luna, especially because many returned and former VSOs turned up. Here are a few pictures (maybe there is an Internet café in Addis Ababa (?Abbaba? looks wrong both ways) that Hans and Man (as I usually end up calling them) can access! Lots of love from all of us here - look forward to seeing you sometime!

Suzanne, Han and Chris

Steve, Sonya and Tina (and I'm not sure who has her back to me)

At least Epi has noticed what I am doing!

Mans, Bruce, Andrea (visiting from VSO Canada) and Charlotte (my Education Programme Manager)

Joe, Berthe, George and Chris (again - always stealing the limelight)

What is Cathryn Devine laughing at?

I've rarely seen a group of four people in a photo doing such completely different things (Alfred: note how Charlotte has dropped a gecko down the back of Mike's shirt and is trying her best to look innocent)

Bruce, Mans and Han (and another person I cannot identify from behind)

Nidhi, Jane, Thom, Amy and Heloise - the only people who didn't enjoy themselves.

Nidhi, Jane, Thom, Amy and Heloise - once they had been told exactly what would happen to them if they diodn't bloody well cheer up!!

George, Suzanne and Han

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