Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Message from Alfred

Please note that VSO is in no way connected with or responsible for the content, comments and observations in this blog: these are solely my own in a personal capacity.

Alfred: I know there hasn't been a word from him in almsot a week but that's GOOD news - it means he's finally busy (or at least busy-ish). He's off to Kigali today for a two day meeting Thursday and Friday and he is not taking his computer, so it'll be Saturday at the latest before you hear anything - patience!! You learn a lot about patience in Rwanda, trust me! Meanwhile here are a few pics we found while trawling around on the Internet and Facebook!

This was a meal we went out for towards the end of the English course in Butare. from left to right are - Beatrice, me, Sarah, Graham, Anthony, Diane, Shamira, Soraya and Amy. Graham and Sarah are the British Council representatives in Rwanda, Diane works for MINEDUC and the rest of us are the trainers.

Another flashback to election night!

Jane Keenan and me at the Chinese restaurant in Butare (not to be confused with the Chineese Restaurant, which is at the other end of town altogether!).

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