Friday, June 19, 2009

Work, work, work! And cows .....

Please note that VSO is in no way connected with or responsible for the content, comments and observations in this blog: these are solely my own in a personal capacity.

(Alfred: Bear in mind that this is the guy who drove everybody - in Rwanda and elsewhere - mad with his complaints of not having anything to do for MONTHS! OK? Just remember that.....). Yeah, yeah but it has been hectic and I have been used to doing what I want to when I want to ... God, that sounds whiny, even to me. I had been hoping to go up to Kigali for the Queen's birthday party in the British Embassy but no such luck. (Alfred: probably just as well - initial reports suggest everyone got completely sozzled on the free wine and security was about as efficient as at an all-night wedding chapel in La Vegas) and now I am hoping my plan to see Andy and John in Gikongoro tomorrow is not going to get screwed up by the training course that is going on (it's on financial management for goodness' sake, what do they need me there for?). It's a real pity as Steve and Nidhi are having a party in their place Saturday but there is no way I can make it. Alain and Berthe are having their farewell do next Friday and Tiga hers on Saturday and it's all I can manage to get to all of those!

Anyway, this is by way of an apology - I'll catch up with the update soon! Meanwhile these are the friends I wandered into in the dead of night on my way to meet Joseph and Enoch for a beer - well, not these exact ones obviously, I nicked this photo off the internet. I was wandering in the pitch dark and heard a funny noise and realised I had wandered into a large group of these cows that were being driven home. Scary moment - they are reasonably placid animals but quite a few people get killed by them every year in accidents all the same. I could hear the herdsmen muttering to each other, wondering what this mad muzungu was doing (it still amazes me how well Rwandans see in the dark. (Alfred: Unfortunately Ruairí was on his way to have a few beers. Had he already had them, we would have found out if the phrase 'a sobering experience' has a scientific basis.)

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

They look heavily armed.... and dont leave much room for negotiation!!