Thursday, October 9, 2008

Tuesday 7th October: Day Thirty-One in Rwanda

Please note that VSO is in no way connected with or responsible for the content, comments and observations in this blog: these are solely my own in a personal capacity.

Not much to report today. Tina still away in Gitarama doing workshops, I kind of hung around, wandered a bit, met Amy for lunch, did a little bit of follow-up work on yesterday but really thinking about going up to Kigali tomorrow for our meeting with Mike Silvey (VSO Rwanda Counrty Director) and Charlotte Philips (Education Program Manager) about the problems with our placements. Also played a lot of Civilization on my computer (a definite sign that my mind isn’t on my work). Did finish Paul Theroux’s Dark Star Safari (thanks again Tracey, Naomi and Chris) – I passed it on to Amy Parker and have a waiting list of three more people waiting for it!

Poor Tina was really wrecked when she got back from the two days’ training. We went down to Jane Keenan’s for dinner (don’t know how we would have coped without Jane in the last two weeks) and then hoem and to bed! Roll on tomorrow!

Thank you very much to all those who have supported my ongoing fundraising effort. I will be continuing my fundraising for VSO for a few more months so, if you would like to contribute, please go to

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